Super cute giraffe. Before giving it to my son I threw it in the machine to wash. It held up and there were no issues. My son was very interested in it and likes pulling the rings off. He hasn't figured out how to put them back on yet, but it's great watching him and seeing him try to figure it out.This would be a great gift!
I've never seen a plush stacker before.It is cute.you stack the rings to make the giraffe. The bass is the feet and the rattling head goes on top.It's a huggable spin on a favorite classic.Any child will love this! It's all very well made, too!
When my son saw it for the first time, he was excited. It's so cute, very easy to use, my son like it! Easy to holder, Easy to clean, durability, It is a good decision for the gift. I feel at ease when my son is playing. The giraffe is a rattle.
I wish the neck was longer so it is more stable.
Muy lindo juguete, linda calidad y colores.
Considerar que no es un juguete para encastre i apilar, es bastante difícil para un bebé o Niño chico lograr poner los aros en el “palo” o jirafa, ya que son de tela, flexibles, y quedan justos.
Sin embargo, como muñeco está lindisimo. Es suave pueden morderlo y lanzarlo que no hay problema. La jirafa también hace sonido con unos cascabeles que tiene dentro.
Esta lindo, pero tener en cuenta la edad y objetivo con el q se compra