Walking barking toy dog with remote control for kids
Realistic dog toy set with walking, barking, and singing features
Remote-controlled walking barking toy dog for toddlers
Electronic interactive plush puppy with leash and voice control

遥控电动毛绒狗 - 斑点狗

¥334.81 CNY
¥393.88 CNY
产品编号 TM340
Type: 活动玩偶/玩具玩偶
Tags: 3-6 Years, Dancing Musical Toys For Babies
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Realistic dog toy set for toddler kids with interactive features Realistic dog toy set with walking barking and singing actions Walking barking toy dog with voice control and realistic features Interactive plush puppy with voice control and shake tail Electronic plush puppy with remote controlled shake tail Walking barking toy dog with realistic features for kids Remote and voice control for walking barking toy dog Voice controlled electronic plush puppy with remote leash Walking barking toy dog with electronic interactive features Interactive plush puppy with walking and barking for children Realistic dog toy set for toddlers with remote control Remote and voice controlled walking barking toy dog Toddler kids_ realistic dog toy set with leash and remote Remote controlled walking barking toy dog with leash Toddler kids_ realistic dog toy set with remote leash Voice controlled plush puppy with shake tail and singing Plush puppy with leash shake tail and singing for toddlers

1. 逼真的互动:我们的毛绒小狗采用先进技术设计,使其能够摇尾巴、唱歌并对触摸做出反应。栩栩如生的动作和声音会吸引您的孩子,培养陪伴感和责任感。该玩具的互动功能使其成为孩子们了解宠物以及如何照顾宠物的好方法。

2. 互动皮带:附带的皮带增强了游戏体验。您的孩子可以带着毛绒小狗去散步,在一起进行室内冒险时增强他们的想象力。皮带还可以帮助孩子发展运动技能和手眼协调能力。

3. 柔软可爱:除了互动功能外,这款玩具还采用优质材料制成,确保触感柔软。它可爱的天性提供了舒适感,使其不仅是一个玩伴,而且还是睡前的依偎伙伴。这款毛绒小狗非常适合喜欢拥抱玩具的孩子。

4. 教育性游戏:通过互动游戏,孩子们可以培养基本技能,如同理心、责任感和运动技能。喂养小狗和遛狗的行为灌输了关爱和同情心的教训。该玩具是孩子们了解宠物以及如何照顾宠物的好方法。

5. 安全保证:安全是我们的首要任务。这款电子毛绒小狗遵守严格的安全标准,确保您的孩子毫无后顾之忧地享受他们的新朋友。其耐用的设计确保持久的性能,提供无尽的欢乐陪伴。该玩具不含有害化学物质,可承受剧烈玩耍。

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