Black and white high-contrast Color Versatile 2-in-1 Baby Arch and Spiral Toy Set – Perfect for Playtime and Travel.
Designed to attach to strollers, car seats, playpens, and cribs, it stimulates sensory development and hand-eye coordination.
Designed to attach to strollers, car seats, playpens, and cribs, Lightweight, baby-safe, and travel-friendly.
High-contrast black and white colors baby arch with spiral toy set
Video shows baby playing with High Contrast Baby Arch Toy & Spiral Car Seat Toys 2 in 1 Set

高对比度婴儿拱形玩具和螺旋汽车座椅玩具 2 合 1 套装

¥295.01 CNY
Vendor: Tumama Kids
产品编号 TM335
Type: 婴儿活动玩具
Tags: 0-12 Months, 0-6 Months

baby in a stroller with high-contrast animal toys (fox, tiger, penguin) attached to an arch for visual and sensory stimulation.A baby sits in a crib with an arch of high-contrast animal toys, including a fox, tiger, and penguin, designed for visual and sensory stimulation.High-contrast animal toys (fox, tiger, penguin) attached to an arch, adaptable for various baby gear, providing care and comfort.A baby in a stroller with high-contrast animal toys (fox, tiger, penguin) on an arch, promoting independent play and self-discovery.A baby in a car seat with high-contrast animal toys (fox, tiger, penguin) on an arch.This two-in-one product package is washable and easy to clean without fadingArch toy clips into the cribThis spiral activity toy is fully filled with polyester and is safe and reliable.The plush toys of this spiral activity toy can be disassembled and freely assembled.Spiral Car Seat Toys with high contrast color designThe Spiral Car Seat Toys are easy to install.Spiral toys easily attached strollers, car seats,playpens or cribsSpiral Car Seat Toys Safe material and soft touch Offer entertainment and soothing effectsHigh Contrast Baby Arch Toy & Spiral Car Seat Toys 2 in 1 Set Installation stepsHigh Contrast Baby Arch Toy & Spiral Car Seat Toys 2 in 1 Set Product parametersHigh Contrast Baby Arch Toy & Spiral Car Seat Toys 2 in 1 Set Product packaging

1. 多功能二合一婴儿拱门和螺旋玩具套装:这款多功能套装包括一个高对比度的黑白婴儿拱门和一个螺旋活动玩具。它可轻松连接到婴儿车、汽车座椅、游戏围栏和婴儿床上,既能提供娱乐,又能促进孩子发育,是忙碌父母和在家玩耍的理想伴侣。

2. 促进早期发育:该套装包含有趣的悬挂玩具,内置声音设备,鼓励宝宝伸手、抓握和互动。鲜艳的色彩、有趣的形状和发声器的组合支持视觉、听觉和触觉刺激,有助于精细运动技能和感官意识的发展。

3. 内置声音的可爱动物角色:悬挂玩具包括三个可爱的动物伙伴:一只内置 BB 发声器的企鹅、一只带拨浪鼓的老虎和一只同时配备 BB 设备和珠子的猴子。这些互动元素提供无尽的娱乐,同时培养宝宝的好奇心和探索精神。

4. 安全、耐用、精心设计:这款玩具套装采用精致刺绣和精确缝线,由柔软、安全的婴儿材料制成,内填充涤纶,更加舒适。玩具触感柔和,确保宝宝在玩耍时的安全,同时提供舒缓的触觉体验。

5. 易于保养,可随处安装:螺旋玩具设计方便,可轻松安装到各种婴儿用品上,包括婴儿车、汽车座椅和婴儿床。它们还可清洗且防褪色,方便父母保持玩具干净清新,以便长期使用。
