Soft cloth books for infants' tactile exploration
High contrast busy book with black and white designs
Tactile play with soft cloth books for infants' sensory growth
Activity sensory toy set with black and white soft books
Mirror soft books for infants' self-recognition and exploration
Infants' high contrast busy book for early cognitive development
Activity sensory toy set for newborns with soft cloth books
Mirror soft books for babies' visual and self-discovery

黑&白视觉激发 毛绒套装 - 3件套

¥81.20 CNY
  • TM267-B
  • TM267-C
Type: Reading Toys
Tags: 0-12 Months, 0-6 Months

Soft cloth books for babies_ early literacy development Black and white soft books with mirror for hands on play Infants_ high contrast busy book for early visual engagement Activity sensory toy set with soft cloth books for newborns Mirror soft books for visual and tactile experiences High contrast busy book for infants_ cognitive stimulation Soft books featuring black and white designs with mirror Babies_ sensory development with soft cloth books Activity sensory toy set with soft cloth books for babies Tactile exploration with high contrast busy book for infants Mirror soft books for visual engagement in infants High contrast busy book with interactive sensory activities Soft cloth books for babies_ hands on learning and play Black and white soft books with mirror for sensory play

1. 视觉发展:软书的黑白对比图案旨在刺激新生儿的视觉发展和认知能力。精致的设计吸引婴儿的注意力,同时符合他们的视觉能力。优质棉质面料确保耐用性,同时保持柔软舒适。

2. 高品质工艺:每本书均采用优质棉布制成,经久耐用,同时保持柔软舒适。细致的缝合确保不会磨损或松散,使其成为您孩子的持久伴侣。柔软的书本设计得温和、安全且易于抓握。

3. 互动元素:内置镜子让宝宝参与自我认知练习,增强他们的注意力和意识。互动元素促进参与,让每一页都成为一次探索之旅。镜子采用优质材料制成,对婴儿来说很安全。

4. 教育内容:除了美观之外,书中还印有各种形状和人物,有助于向婴儿介绍基本概念。每幅插图都是认知发展的一步,同时让宝宝感到愉悦。这些书的设计既具有教育意义,又具有娱乐性。

5. 完美礼物:这些柔软的书包装精美,是婴儿送礼的理想礼物。礼物是一个柔软与学习相结合的世界,每一页都融合了舒适和教育,使其成为每个新生儿的珍贵物品。这些书适合男孩和女孩,非常适合希望让孩子在学习上领先一步的父母。

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