Black and white animal arch for versatile use in bassinet, car seat, crib
Visual black and white toy for infants with stroller arch and animal characters
Portable baby mobile with travel activity arch for bassinet and car seat
Baby stroller arch toy with butterfly, elephant, owl for visual stimulation

婴儿车、床、椅 毛绒床夹玩具 - 黑&白视觉

¥249.21 CNY
¥293.20 CNY
产品编号 TM330
Type: 婴儿活动玩具
Tags: 0-12 Months, Soothing Toys for Newborn
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Portable baby mobile for bassinet with black and white animal arch Car seat travel activity arch with butterfly elephant owl for infants Visual black and white toy for babies with stroller arch and animal characters Baby stroller arch featuring portable mobile for bassinet car seat Portable baby mobile with black and white butterfly elephant owl for travel Travel activity arch toy for infants with visual black and white elements Stroller arch toy with butterfly elephant owl for portable baby play Black and white animal arch for bassinet car seat crib mobile Visual black and white toy with stroller arch for babies_ entertainment Portable baby mobile featuring butterfly elephant owl for on the go play Car seat travel activity arch with black and white animal characters Stroller arch toy with visual black and white butterfly elephant owl for infants Portable mobile for bassinet with travel activity arch for versatile use Black and white toy for babies with stroller arch and animal friends Baby stroller arch featuring portable baby mobile with butterfly elephant owl Travel activity arch toy with visual black and white elements for infants Stroller arch toy with butterfly elephant owl for on the go entertainment Portable baby mobile for bassinet car seat with black and white animal arch Car seat travel activity arch with visual black and white toy for babies Stroller arch featuring butterfly elephant owl for portable baby playtime

1. 婴儿动物悬挂玩具套装:婴儿车拱形玩具套装配有 1 件蝴蝶悬挂拨浪鼓,带音乐和牙胶。;1 件大象悬挂拨浪鼓,带铃声;1 件猫头鹰悬挂拨浪鼓,带 Bibi 声音和牙胶。每侧 2 个灵活夹子。1 个高对比度黑白彩色活动拱门。多种活动促进宝宝发育。帮助宝宝与声音和视觉互动。

2.活动拱门上可弯曲和可调节的夹子:婴儿车拱门玩具每侧均配有可调节的夹子,使用起来更加灵活。夹子的尺寸可根据婴儿车/婴儿床/婴儿座椅的宽度进行调整,适合大多数婴儿车/婴儿床/婴儿座椅。材质:这款悬挂式婴儿玩具由 100% 聚酯纤维制成。推荐手洗或简单擦拭即可清洁。

3.可拆卸设计:婴儿车玩具和婴儿车玩具可拆卸动物吊坠配有 3 个吱吱作响的毛绒附加玩具,不仅可以挂在婴儿车拱门玩具上,还可以拆卸并单独挂在婴儿车和其他地方。

4. 最佳早期发育玩具:为宝宝提供充足的活动供他观看、感受和抓握。有趣的吱吱声可供宝宝探索和发现。黑白婴儿推车活动玩具不仅能吸引宝宝的注意力,还能锻炼宝宝的颜色和动物认知能力、手眼协调能力、抓握能力和感官认知能力。

5. 应用广泛:一款有趣的婴儿车玩具,让您的孩子在家中或旅途中随时随地玩耍。每侧的夹子使其使用更加灵活。婴儿旅行游戏拱门适用于婴儿车、婴儿车、汽车座椅和大多数婴儿床。它可以在室内和室外使用。柔软的婴儿汽车座椅拨浪鼓玩具是婴儿送礼会、新生儿礼物、生日礼物、复活节、感恩节、圣诞节礼物、新年的完美礼物,适合男婴和女婴。

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