Cube and triangle toy for babies' visual and tactile stimulation
Soft rattle with high contrast patterns for infant's car seat
High contrast black and white cube and triangle toy for stroller
Soft rattle for baby's crib with hanging teething toy
High contrast black and white soft rattle for baby's crib
Hanging teething toy for crib, car seat, and stroller play

黑&白视觉激发 毛绒布球

¥117.96 CNY
¥138.76 CNY
  • TM367
  • TM368
  • TM369
Type: Baby Mobiles
Tags: 0-12 Months, 0-6 Months

High contrast cube and triangle toy for baby_s engagement Infant_s sensory development with hanging teething toy Crib car seat and stroller play with soft rattle cube and triangle Visual and oral exploration with high contrast teething toy Hanging toy with teething features for newborns Soft rattle cube and triangle for tactile and auditory stimulation High contrast teething toy for crib car seat and stroller play Black and white cube and triangle for infant_s cognitive development Hanging teething toy for sensory experiences in infants Baby_s playtime with soft rattle cube and triangle Teething toy for crib car seat and stroller with high contrast design High contrast black and white toy for infant_s cognitive stimulation Soft rattle cube and triangle for tactile engagement in babies Hanging teething toy for visual and oral exploration Soft rattle cube and triangle for crib car seat and stroller play Infant_s sensory development with high contrast teething toy Black and white cube and triangle toy for baby_s playtime Hanging teething toy with high contrast patterns Soft rattle cube and triangle for newborns_ tactile stimulation Crib car seat and stroller entertainment with teething toy Infant friendly hanging toy for sensory development High contrast black and white teething toy for baby Soft rattle cube and triangle toy for infants Hanging teething toy for crib car seat and stroller Baby toy with high contrast black and white design

1。升级版婴儿玩具:2个黑白婴儿车玩具,tumama 新生儿玩具有可爱的动物图案,悬挂拨浪鼓,感官玩具。

2。高对比度新生儿视觉冲击:黑白高对比度色调最适合新生儿,因此tumama 以黑白为主色调,加入少量的橙色、黄色、粉色、紫色、蓝色、绿色打造出丰富多彩的挂拨浪鼓。生动的轮廓和高对比度的图案可以提供强烈的视觉刺激,增强幼儿的视觉反应和注意力。

3。 Color丰富有趣的婴儿玩具:两款婴儿玩具套装均具有双面图案设计,有助于刺激宝宝的视觉发育并提高他们的认知能力。


5。婴儿安全材料: tumama 婴儿玩具采用优质柔软织物材料制成,填充物缝合牢固,可手洗,对婴儿绝对安全。适合 0 个月以上的婴儿和幼儿。
