Cloth book, animal rattles, and mirror toy for newborns' development
Baby soft toys set for sensory play in stroller, pram, and car seat
Stroller pram car seat activity toy with soft toys and interactive features
Stroller pram car seat toy set with soft toys and cloth book

婴儿床围、挂件、哈哈镜毛绒套装 - 动物

¥241.93 CNY
¥284.61 CNY
产品编号 TM127
Type: Baby Mobiles
Tags: 0-12 Months, Cognitive Development Toys
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Baby soft toys set with cloth book and animal rattles Mirror toy for newborns in stroller pram and car seat Stroller pram car seat activity toy for infant play Soft toys set with cloth book and interactive mirror Newborn infant_s activity toy for stroller and car seat Baby cloth book with animal rattles for sensory play Mirror toy for stroller pram and car seat entertainment Infant soft toys set with cloth book and tactile features Stroller pram car seat activity toy for newborn exploration Baby_s mirror toy with soft toys set for interactive play Cloth book and animal rattles for newborn_s sensory development Activity toy for infant play in stroller pram and car seat Soft toys set with mirror toy for newborns_ visual stimulation Stroller pram car seat activity toy with cloth book and rattles Baby_s sensory play with soft toys set and mirror toy Interactive cloth book and animal rattles for infant exploration

1.婴儿悬挂拨浪鼓玩具和双面书:这款玩具套装配有 4 个生动的拨浪鼓动物悬挂玩具,一本布书。可爱的悬挂玩具,双面学习布书(正面是酷炫的运输插图,背面是可爱的动物)插图),悬挂动物上的魔法扭曲镜,提供数小时的游戏时间,以培养宝宝的运动能力和基本认知能力。小家伙们边玩边学。吸引宝宝注意力的最佳方式,解放妈妈的双手。

2.动物悬挂设计:这些婴儿玩具设计有 4 种可爱的动物(羊、鹿、刺猬、大象),重量轻,易于放在不同的地方。C 形夹环钩易于悬挂,无论是汽车座椅、玩耍垫子,悬挂非常方便。表面有声音纸和揭开图案设计,增加更多乐趣并吸引宝宝的注意力。


4. 柔软材质和高品质:我们知道您的宝宝安全是最重要的。所以我们用柔软的材质来制作,没有锋利的东西,妈妈们不用担心。刺猬带有透明的肚子时间镜,可以在宝宝玩耍时吸引宝宝的注意力,培养宝宝的视觉能力。它的颜色非常中性,适合任何托儿所装饰。

5. 送给儿童的绝佳礼物:无论您的宝宝是男孩还是女孩,我们的玩具都非常适合他们的第一个玩具。这些玩具非常柔软、可爱且具有教育意义。精美的包装购物车无论是给自己的孩子购买还是作为礼物送给其他朋友的孩子都是不错的选择。生日、圣诞节、万圣节和其他节日的绝佳礼物。

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