Baby arch and spiral car seat toy set
Bear plush baby arch with spiral toy set
Spiral car seat toys easily attached strollers, car seats, playpens or cribs
Dual toy combination arch & spiral toy Fitting into various baby gear


¥295.48 CNY
  • TM337
  • TM437
Type: 婴儿活动玩具
Tags: 0-12 Months, 0-6 Months

Baby interacting with toys, reaching, grabbing and hanging on the plush toy in the archInfant arch and spiral car seat playset mounted in cribBaby arch and spiral car seat toy set Original stylish design Valuable addition to a baby's playtimeThis infant arch and spiral car seat playset can be installed for use on multiple babiesThis spiral car seat playset is mounted on a baby gym for useBaby interacting with this spiral car seat toyBaby takes the stuffed animal off the arch and spiral car seat toy set and plays with it separatelyspiral car seat toy setSoft toys and chewable teethers on the spiral car seat playsetSpiral car seat toys use safe and non-toxic materialsSpiral car seat toy Original design arch clipSpiral toys easily attached strollers, car seats, playpens or cribsPromote independent play while on the go Fostering a sense of self-discoveryBaby arch and spiral car seat toy set Installation stepsBaby arch and spiral car seat toy set Product parametersBaby arch and spiral car seat toy set Product packaging

1. 通过玩乐促进宝宝的感官发育:这款玩具套装结合了时尚的拱形玩具和螺旋形玩具,包括蘑菇、鹿和河马等可爱的悬挂玩具,每个玩具都内置有 BB 吱吱声和摇铃等声音设备。这些元素可以刺激宝宝的听觉、触觉和视觉,促进感官发育和手眼协调能力。

2. 适用于各种婴儿用品,使用方便且用途广泛:螺旋玩具可轻松连接到婴儿车、汽车座椅、游戏围栏或婴儿床上,而拱形玩具可与多种类型的婴儿设备兼容。它的设计方便且适应性强,无论您的宝宝走到哪里都能提供无尽的娱乐。

3. 互动功能,促进探索和参与:该套装配有可爱的悬挂玩具,包括带 BB 吱吱声的蘑菇、带 BB 吱吱声和珠子的鹿以及带拨浪鼓的河马,鼓励宝宝伸手、抓握、摇晃和互动。此外,玩具还包括可咀嚼的牙胶,以帮助出牙的婴儿,同时支持他们的身体和感官发育。

4. 可拆卸设计,方便宝宝独立玩耍:每个悬挂玩具均可拆卸,让宝宝可以单独玩耍。这些柔软可爱的玩具可以作为安慰的伙伴或独立的娱乐工具,适合不同的玩耍场景。该设计兼具实用性和趣味性,让宝宝玩得尽兴、乐在其中。

5. 安全耐用的材料让您安心:这款玩具套装采用优质 ABS、TPE、PP 和聚酯材料制成,无毒、耐用,对婴儿完全安全。鲜艳而柔和的色彩和坚固的结构确保了安全性和持久性,使其成为宝宝日常玩耍和成长的宝贵补充。

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