Newborn infant sensory play with baby dinosaur hanging toy
Crinkle squeaky sensory toys with mirror and bell for baby's delight
Car seat stroller mobile featuring hanging dinosaur rattle
Sensory play with crinkle squeaky toys for newborns
Dinosaur hanging rattle toy with crinkle and mirror for baby
Crinkle squeaky sensory toys with bell and mirror for newborns

婴儿车、床、椅 毛绒安抚风铃挂件 - 恐龙

¥139.37 CNY
¥163.96 CNY
Type: Baby Activity Toys
Tags: 0-12 Months, Soothing Toys for Newborn
  • TM270
  • TM271
  • TM272
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Baby toy dinosaur hanging rattle for sensory play Crinkle squeaky sensory toys with mirror and bell Car seat stroller mobile toy with hanging dinosaur rattle Newborn infant sensory play with dinosaur hanging toy Dinosaur rattle toy for baby_s crinkle and squeaky fun Hanging sensory toys with mirror and bell for newborns Car seat stroller mobile featuring baby dinosaur hanging rattle Sensory play with crinkle squeaky toys for infant development Baby toy dinosaur with mirror and bell for interactive play Hanging dinosaur rattle toy for newborn_s sensory exploration Crinkle squeaky sensory toys with mirror and bell for infants Car seat stroller mobile featuring baby dinosaur hanging toy Newborn infant sensory play with hanging dinosaur rattle Dinosaur rattle toy for baby_s crinkle and squeaky enjoyment Hanging sensory toys with mirror and bell for interactive play Car seat stroller mobile featuring baby dinosaur sensory toys

1. 开发婴儿能力的完美恐龙动物玩具:色彩鲜艳、设计可爱、高对比度图案的婴儿益智玩具,可刺激新生儿的视力并促进手眼协调。这款互动玩具内置风铃、声纸,使 BB 发出柔和的声音,有助于宝宝的听力。并且吸引宝宝的注意力。让孩子们能够玩得更开心。

2. 柔软的毛绒材料和挂钩设计:这些毛绒婴儿拨浪鼓玩具由毛绒制成,填充有柔软的棉质,舒适。高品质的材料给您的宝宝带来柔软宜人的触感。建议手洗。有趣的婴儿车玩具。有趣的婴儿玩具,无论是在家还是在旅途中。环形挂钩易于悬挂,适合婴儿推车、婴儿床活动、汽车座椅玩具、婴儿健身房悬挂玩具、婴儿游戏垫。非常容易悬挂或取下。让您的孩子随时随地玩耍。

3. 婴儿感官玩具:这些婴儿玩具内置铃铛和 BB 发声器,轻轻摇动即可发出柔和、舒适、舒缓的声音,还配有吱吱作响的翅膀,有助于促进宝宝的听觉以及肌肉和抓握能力能力。这款婴儿礼物玩具会让您的宝宝长时间忙碌和娱乐。


5. 婴儿玩具礼物:婴儿玩具是婴儿生日礼物、迎婴派对礼物和圣诞礼物、感恩节、万圣节、复活节礼物、新年的最佳礼物。婴儿的感官学习玩具适合 0-6 个月的婴儿。婴儿床玩具适合 6-12 个月的幼儿,婴儿车玩具适合 1-3 岁的孩子。

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