Bunny Spiral Car Seat Toy​ with Hanging Rattles Toys
Bunny Spiral Car Seat Toy​ with Hanging Rattles Toys is mounted on a baby gym for use
Bunny Spiral Car Seat Toy​ with Hanging Rattles Toys is installed in the car seat for use
Baby interacting with a colorful bunny spiral toy attached to a crib
Bunny Spiral Car Seat Toy​ with Hanging Rattles Toys is installed in the crib
Close-up image of small stuffed animal toys on Bunny Spiral Car Seat Toy​ with Hanging Rattles Toys


¥176.94 CNY
产品编号 TM436
Type: 婴儿活动玩具
Tags: 0-12 Months, 12-18 Months

Adorable bunny spiral toy in bright colors hanging from a baby strollerOriginal bunny design spiral toy with colorful embroidery and stitchingPortable bunny spiral toy on a stroller for easy on-the-go playBaby interacting with a colorful bunny spiral toy attached to a baby gymBunny spiral toy attached to a crib, encouraging baby to reach and graspThe removable stuffed animals on the Bunny Spiral Car Seat Toy are mounted on the baby gym for useSoft and chewable bunny spiral toy perfect for teething babiesClose-up image of the Bunny Spiral Car Seat ToyThe Bunny Spiral Car Seat Toy​ with Hanging Rattles Toys is installed on the baby gym, and the baby interacts with the hanging toys on itClose-up of the Bunny Spiral Car Seat Toy​ with Hanging Rattles Toys' safe material, free of fluorescent agents and soft polyester filling.bunny design spiral toy with colorful embroidery and stitchingWashable bunny spiral toy free from fluorescent agents and safe for babiesBunny Spiral Car Seat Toy​ with Hanging Rattles Toys Product ParametersBunny Spiral Car Seat Toy​ with Hanging Rattles Toys Product Packaging

1. 迷人的原创兔子设计:我们的兔子螺旋玩具展示了令人无法抗拒的可爱原创兔子造型,精心制作,绣有精美的刺绣和缝线。明亮迷人的色彩不仅能刺激宝宝的视觉,还能为任何育儿室或游乐空间增添欢快的气氛。

2. 安全无毒的材料:安全是我们的首要任务。这款兔子螺旋玩具采用优质无毒材料制成,不含有害荧光剂,可确保您的孩子获得安全的游戏体验。耐用的结构可以承受咀嚼和轻柔抓握,非常适合出牙期的婴儿。

3. 互动音效,刺激感官:兔子螺旋玩具专为激发多种感官而设计,内置各种音效,包括摇铃和珠子装置。这些动听的声音不仅能娱乐,还能促进听觉发育,帮助宝宝区分不同的声音,提高整体感官意识。

4. 多功能便携设计,适合随时随地玩耍:这款螺旋玩具的设计充分考虑了多功能性,使用方便的可拆卸环,可轻松固定在婴儿床、汽车座椅、婴儿车等上。无论您是在家中、在车上还是在公园散步,这款兔子螺旋玩具都能为您的宝宝提供持续的娱乐和舒适感。

5. 促进认知和运动技能发展:我们的兔子螺旋玩具不仅仅是一个玩具,它还是一个成长和发展的工具。通过鼓励伸手、抓握、拉动和其他运动动作,该玩具有助于提高精细运动技能和手眼协调能力。多彩的设计刺激视觉识别和认知发展,而互动功能则促进解决问题和探索性游戏。
